5 First Place Blue Ribbons! Las Vegas AAPI 2023

Holy Cow! 5 first place photographs for my daily grind at the Old Time Photo in Deadwood. This took me by surprise! It has been a long hard year and this just felt so cathartic.

Best Image of an Infant with Technical Excellence

The competition was held mid January 2023 at APPI (Antique & Amusement Photographers International) convention in Las Vegas. Only photos from the 2022 shooting year were allowed to enter. There was 30 categories, of which we entered into 20. Of those 20, we took first place 13 times!!!! Second place about 8 time and third place twice. Every year, they award Technical Excellence up to 5 images before main judging starts. We took 3 out of 5 Technical Excellence awards, one of which going to my photo of the little girl seen above!

Best Image of Children

It was a fantastic 3-4 days of meeting and reminiscing with other OTP (Old Time Photography) Studios and photographers. While my studio focus’ on western and dabbles in 1920/1930’s photos, many other OTP’s have Pirate, steam punk and even Witch themed shoots! Its a great place to get fresh new ideas.

Best Western Themed Image

This year I was lucky to get a Boudoir. I’m glad I was able to make the most of it!

Best Boudoir

Hey look its me!

Best Self Portrait

I can’t believe my ugly mug won!